Manuel Antonio National Park: My Elevator Pitch
“Enter a magical rainforest paradise that offers exotic beaches, stunning palms, abundant wildlife, and an unforgettable experience. Manuel Antonio is the perfect destination for families, couples, adventurers, photographers, beach bums, and pretty much anyone else.”
My Photos

My Report
I love wildlife, and Manuel Antonio has it in droves: various monkeys, slow-poke sloths, exotic birds, vibrant lizards, colored frogs — you name it. And with its world-class beach, a trip to Manuel Antonio is like two vacations in one. Plus, it’s easy to get to, and there’s abundant accommodation nearby. (I stayed at Si Como No Resort and Wildlife Refuge, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.)
It is hot, though. I went in December, and the heat index peaked around 100 Fahrenheit, 38 Celsius, primarily because of the 80+% humidity. Pack breathable, wicking clothes along with a hat. And pick up some fresh coconut water as you enter the park. (And by fresh, I mean they cut the coconut open in front of you and give you a straw!)
Most local hotels and vacation planners will help you find a guide, and, at least for your first time, you really want one. You can be staring at some of the animals and not know it. And your guide will probably have entrance tickets for you.
You can also enter the park without a guide, purchasing tickets when you arrive. But at peak times — after breakfast and after lunch — expect to wait in line, so a good strategy is to show up mid- to late morning. Then look for clumps of people; they’re probably looking at wildlife. Or just walk right to the beach and spend a few hours in paradise.
Where to Stay
La Selva Biological Station — even more wildlife. Much more!
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